==== About Privatise ===== Privatise is a one-click install, cloud based network security product built for distributed & remote workforces. We cover the entire "network" layer of the cyber security stack. Privatise agents put all devices on our virtually impenetrable "Remote Office Cluster" or ROC in any location. The ROC protects your organization from external & internal attacks. It includes: *Encryption in transit. The data you send over the internet will be encapsulated and encrypted with military grade, 256 grade encryption. This prevents: *DNS hijacking on the endpoint. *ARP spoofing on the endpoint. *Snooping on the endpoint. *ROC-ZTNA. Lock down internal & cloud resources, including IoT with our easy to use Zero Trust platform. *Dedicated Gateway (ROC) IP. Lock down cloud resources to a dedicated, public gateway IP and prevent phishing & brute force attacks. Integrate easily with an SSO for even more protection. *DNS Content Filtering. Our enterprise level DNS filtering prevents malicious websites from infiltrating your network. *Next-Gen Secure Remote Access. Get access to internal servers or devices without exposing your entire LAN, or alternatively setup IPSec site-to-site for legacy use. *ROC Virtual Firewall. Filter and prevent attacks. Aside from preventing malicious attacks and phishing, Privatise will help you pass compliance regulations like Cyber Essentials, HIPAA, CMMC & more. ---- Here are illustrations showing your user's connected with Privatise, and without: {{::withprivatisebluebg.png?400|}} {{::withoutprivatisebluebg.png?400|}}