
Uninstall Privatise Agent on MacOS

The following set of instructions will walk you through the removal of the Privatise files settings from your MacOS.

1. Open the Applications folder from the Finder window to find the Privatise application you want to delete.

2. Drag the Privatise icon and empty it in to the Trash.

Once you have uninstalled the application:

1. Go to this link and download the uninstall link by right clicking and clicking “save as”.

2. Run the UninstallPrivatise.sh script by dragging it into the terminal to remove the Helper Tool.

You should be done removing the application now. If there were any issues running the script, you can remove the files manually at the following locations:

- /Library/Application Support/Privatise

- /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.privatise.HelperTool.plist

- /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.privatise.HelperTool

- /Documents/Privatise

Apple has an always-up-to-date article on how to uninstall software, which you will find here: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/install-and-uninstall-other-apps-mh35835/mac

  • uninstall_privatise_software_macos.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/07/26 19:05
  • by rafi